Flea and Tick Control

Fleas and ticks are parasites that are very small. Protect your cat with a parasite prevention plan.

External parasites can cause anemia, hair loss, itchiness, and a domino effect of other issues. Ingesting fleas can lead to secondary parasite infestations like tapeworms.

How do I know if my cat has fleas?

Signs of scratching, excessive grooming, hair loss around the rump/thighs. Also check the skin for flea dirt as well.

Do fleas harm cats?

External parasites can cause anemia, hair loss, itchiness, and a domino effect of other issues. Ingesting fleas can lead to secondary parasite infestations like tapeworms.

Why is treating and preventing fleas so important?

It’s crucial to deal with fleas to keep your other pets healthy, as well as keeping fleas out of your house.

What are some simple steps for treating fleas in your senior cat?

Monthly flea treatments aid in the prevention of fleas for your senior cat. We can offer topical flea products that will work best for your cat.

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